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About Us About Us

Learn How to:   Live Successfully, Have Abundant Life, Find True Love, Knowing God,  Become rich and Debt Free, Discover & Enjoy real Peace, Joy and Love.

We bring Hope to a broken world, loving God, loving others and serving the world.  Victory Point International Ministries (VPIM); formerly SBC of Forest Park, is a historic Institution in the Clayton County Community.  Since its more than 60 years of existence, the lives of many individuals have been changed through education, skills, empowerment, and enrichment programs and projects.  Because of the hard work, dedication and loyalty of its staff and members many persons in various communities have benefited from the services offered.  Since we are nestled in a very  diverse and multi-culture community, we are committed to serve all nations of the world, equipping them to become successful and become victorious; ultimately building communities of loving and caring people. You too can be a part of this great move.  So do not hesitate to contact us now. 

You are welcome to visit us anytime. At our Church you will find a place where you will experience love and hear the uncompromising preaching and teaching of God's Word. We are affiliated with the Southside Baptist Network, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

EDUCATION PROGRAMEducation was always a part of VPIM ever since our humble beginnings in 1959.  Victory Point International Christian Institute is our Education Division where we offers programs that equip and empower individuals through God's Word.  We focus mainly on Biblically based programs.  All courses offered are Biblically based because VPICI believes the Holy Bible to be the infallible and living Word of God. The degree programs at VPICI are ecclesiastical in nature and designed  for religious and various other vocations.

Onpoint International Chaplains Association is part of our Education Division.